So, I'm sitting at my computer and guess what. I don't hear anyone. No one is squabbling. No one is yelling. No one is making tooting noises. But I don't hear any giggles, either. You know what I mean. It's good and bad as I am at home alone. I miss the giggles, the hugs, and the constant snacks. But, I'm glad the kids are having a great time learning new things and making friends. So, this morning we had the second annual Back 2 School Bus Stop Bash. That means getting to the bus stop 15 minutes early, eating donuts, grapes, bananas, drinking juice and hot chocolate and coffee for the parents. Yeah, our kids have it good. If you have a bus stop, give it a try next year. It really set a great tone for the kids as they headed off for their first day. Plus, I think it helps us moms and dads keep the tears in and just enjoy the moment.

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