I am moving to New York!
Yep, there you have it. What? I know. It's crazy. But, as Martha would say, it's a "good thing."
Okay. Where to start. I guess we'll go back to the beginning. Scott has worked for Chrysler for 13 years. He really enjoyed his job and his colleagues and has always enjoyed the cars. The last several years have been very unstable at Chrysler starting with the 'merger' with Daimler and continuing with sale to Cerberus and lately with the economy and the request for money from the government. It has been a very unhappy place to be. In November, Chrysler offered a voluntary resignation incentive to EVERY employee. Scott, along with many of his colleagues, thought if he could find a job in a month, he's take the buyout and the new job. Now, finding a new job in a month is no easy feat. We began to pray in earnest that we would be in God's will and be obedient. Scott was talking about this with his sister and she said she would circulate his resume to a few directors at Lockheed Martin, where she works. The resume was circulated and in just two days he had received three phone calls for three different positions. I read Scott's resume. It is pretty impressive. He has worked hard, has three degrees and proven himself at Chrysler with his most recent position managing over 30 employees and various vendors for the complete interior of the L cars (Challenger - one of the coolest cars out there!, Charger and 300.) In spite of this, he has desired more stability for our family. So, his resume circulated around Lockheed Martin and one of those phone calls resulted in an interview and an offer in just three weeks at Lockheed Martin Systems Integration in Owego, NY. Scott will be working on a bid to develop a vehicle for the Army and his automotive experience, along with his MBA, make him a great match for the job.
Scott has already started his new position with LM. In just the last few days in dealing with his new employers, he has already been encouraged by the attitude at Lockheed. Can you say an answer to prayer! Even though we love our current home, neighborhood, schools, friends and church we both feel that God is calling us to leave all of that. And that means leaving all of my family and Scott's parents, too. It also means leaving my clients.
So, we are about to embark on The Redman's BIG Adventure. Our house is on the market and we hope to be in New York with Scott by February.
I know many of you have been praying for us. We have felt it. We are very excited to see what God has in store for us. We would ask that you keep us in your prayers.
If you want to check it out, we'll be in the Binghamton area. Don't worry, I've already checked and there is a Target, Starbuck's, Home Depot (for Scott) and even a mall with a Macy's. Oh, and the kids were very excited to see Little Ceasars and Chuck E. Cheese's. It will be a big change for us but we are excited.
So, with the holidays and the move, Rebecca Redman Photography is officially closed ... for good. I haven't yet decided if I'll start my business over in NY. I'd just like to get there and get us settled in before I determine all of that. Many of you have asked, "Who will take our pictures?" That's a great question. I'll generate a list of local photographers I know that are great to work with. There's always the possibility of scheduling a day of sessions when I come home to MI to visit family. Right now, I'm just taking it one day at a time.
Thanks so much for your business over these last six years. I have truly enjoyed getting to know you and your families and have always appreciated the trust you put in me, the experience of documenting life.
For now, if you know of anyone looking for a great home in a super neighborhood, send them the link to our listing.
Great Home for Sale

I'll keep you up to date on our Big Adventure.
wow.... what a big change. I hope things go smoothly! By the way, I ended up leasing the house I'm in (which was listed at over $200000) because it was such a better solution compared to the condos in the area. so if you get stuck...and you have family here still to help you take watch of it, it could be a temporary solution in this market. =)
that's a big move! good to hear how everything worked out for your family. looking forward to hearing more about your new adventures.
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