This is in reference to the June Signature Sessions that include a set of custome notecards coming up on June 23rd. The session is $120. So, schedule and pay for your June Signature Session for $120 and get a gift certificate for a second June Signature session for $60. Okay, what's the catch, you ask? The gift certificate must be used by a new client, someone who has never scheduled a session with me before. So, what to do with the gift certificate? Give it as a gift! The great thing is that your friend will have a session and get super-cute notecards and not have to spend another penny (unless of course they want to.) Or, the total for your session and gift certificate is $180 and you could split it with your friend and each pay $90. It's your choice. Just call or email to schedule your session and then get your friend to call, too. But, act quickly because there are limited session times available.

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