This is my new wake up time. I know, I know. Many of you probably get up this early already but I have not seen a 6 in the hour position as I sleepily eye my alarm clock in a very long time. But, I am making an effort to be more disciplined in my relationship with God, my responsibilities as a wife and mother and make an effort to improve my physical self. RRPD started as a moniker for Rebecca Redman Photography & Design, then after the move to New York transitioned to RR Photographic Diary and is now going to truly become my Personal Diary. It may be of no interest to anyone except myself, but I want to be accountable to my God, my family and my body. To that end, I am embarking on waking up at 6:10 am each weekday and carving out time in the Bible and prayer before I start any other part of my day. I'll feel out my way around this blog and try to make it worth your time to read. But if I'm the only reader I'm okay with that, too.
Oh, and if you're wondering how I settled on 6:10, it's simple. I had really been struggling with this idea of getting up before 7:30 each morning. I know, I was a lazy bones! I finally decided I was going to give it a try and just trust in God to give me the energy throughout the day and to desire that time spent with Him more than that time snuggling in bed. I went to bed with these thoughts in my head. The next morning, I was awakened by the sound of birds. They were tweeting and twittering and it put a smile on my face. The alarm clock was glowing 6:10. So, that was it. I decided to make that the start of my new morning routine. I am on Day 2 and I'm sure by the end of the week I'll be feeling tired and tempted to hit the snooze but this morning, through my devotions, I was just encouraged again to keep at it.
I'll finish with a picture of what it's all about. Making God a part of my life so that His love is reflected to those I care most about.