Sometimes, all you need is one shot. We took a day trip into Philly and as we were walking into
Betsy Ross's home, my son pointed out, "That's a big tree." As I was walking, I looked up, snapped the picture and walked in the house.
Fuji FinePix F50fdShutter Speed: 1/90 s
Exposure Program: Normal Program
F-Stop: f 2.8
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 8.0 mm (35 mm)
Flash: Fired
Looking back over the photos from the trip, I enjoyed this one. I thought the angle of shooting up into the tree made it look large and looming. I also
incorporated the
rule of thirds in this image. With the rule of thirds, you imagine dividing the horizontal and vertical into thirds and placing a point of interest at one of the
intersections. In this case, the trunk of the branch runs along a vertical third and then the branches run along a horizontal third.

Since I was happy with this straight out of camera crop, I wondered which I would prefer ... color or black and white. For the color, I played with the
curves and for the black and white, I added a bit of a
vignette. So, which do you prefer?