I know this is a photography blog, so I thought I better start posting some photographs. I have decided to venture on something called Project 366. Basically, you take a photo each day of the year. And this year is a leap year so that makes is 366. Sounds easy, right? I take a ton of photos. But, I am finding it quite a challenge to take at least one picture every day. With that in mind, here is my journey. My husband bought me a digital point & shoot for Christmas. I have no idea what I am doing with this thing so I thought we would spend the next year getting to know each other. So, for me, Project 366 could also be called Project Get to Know Your Fuji FinePix. I am a bit behind in posting but I have decided not to post each day and have you wind up with all these annoying emails letting you know I have posted, but to post a week's worth at a time. Since we are two weeks into the new year, I have two weeks of posts. Because I was feeling a bit lost at what to take photographs of, I am giving myself mini-assignments. First, I just celebrated my birthday the sixth of this month so on the sixth day of each month, I am going to take a self-portrait. And in between I will come up with new challenges to fill in the blanks. With January being the start of the New Year, my theme for January is "First ....." If you feel the urge, grab your own camera and join me. I have a feeling that these mini-assignments will leak into my blog contests.
In any case, on with the posts.

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