Wait, don't answer that. I like to live with the illusion that people actually ready and enjoy the blog.
Anywhoo, I've been thinking about this blog and what I'm going to do with it since I don't have a photography business anymore. But, I do enjoy blogging and feel like maybe I could provide something useful here. So, bear with me over the next few weeks as I try to find my voice. I'll blog about photography, my new home, my lack of motivation and organization skill at said new home, my faith, parenting, other cool blogs, fun videos ... basically anything that strikes my fancy. I'm hoping that after a bit, I'll figure out what I enjoy blogging about the most, what readers enjoy reading the most and try to narrow down the focus (no pun intended).
So, if you're reading and something I write makes any kind of impact on you, please leave a comment. That way I'll know I'm on the right track.
To start, a photography related post.
Want to take a picture of the whole world? Pretty cool but pretty impossible, too. But, we can each do our part and take a photo of our corner of the world then upload it to Earth Mosaic and let them do the hard stuff. They're coordinating this with Earth Day on Wednesday, April 22nd. Just check out their site for all the details. I'll have another post and all who have participated can share.
Earthy Mosaic
I first read about this on Photojojo which has all sorts of fun ideas for DIY projects with photos.
Oh, and I guess I need to post some picture so here's a photo of my two. The reason I'm here at this blog and not at a 9-5 job.